Self Healing

A lot of people come to me with the question,

“Can you teach me how to self heal? I don't need guidance, I need to know how to do it."

The answer is there's no exact way to self heal. Self healing is an artistic process, similar to the practice of art. Art can be created in many ways. It has many forms. Self healing is the same.

Our every situation is different. We can't heal our inner wounds the same exact way someone else heals their wounds. It may not work on us completely the same way it did for the other person.

Take an art class for example. We can follow the instructions an artist gives in class and we can copy his/her painting but in the end our painting will look slightly different from theirs. Ours is a reflection of us, what we saw, and how we feel. The original painting resembles the artist's vision and how they feel.

For self healing to completely work on us as we follow the same methods we have to be flexible and be willing to adjust to our situation, not force it. Even then, our process still changes because our situation is different.

Self healing is also a continuous practice. There's no end. We can only heal the wounds we are ready to accept at the moment. It doesn't heal all wounds at once. Sometimes each wound requires a different approach. Additionally, life is a test so we're always going to be tested. It'll throw us off balance and it'll generate more wounds.

Each of our wounds are like an Onion. Each layer we shed allows the healing to deepen. Once we get to the core, that's us fully embracing problem and releasing all the tension we've been putting on it so it can fully heal on its own.

We are like an Onion. Each layer that we shed allows us to learn something about who we truly are. Once we get to the core of our onion, that's when we truly embrace ourselves, our authenticity, and there we unleash our true potential.

Remember self healing is an artistic process. It's a continuous practice. Don't expect the same outcome by following the same methods. You must be flexible. Be willing to try and figure out what works for you.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

Cycle Breaker


Inner Child Wound