The Journey

As crazy as it sounds life is a beautiful journey and I believe we all can learn, grow, and share a bit of wisdom with one another.

From passion to business here is where it all begin!

Hmong clothes photo credit: Manda’s Photography and Designs

In my early elementary years one of my teacher wanted to start a Hmong dance group to showcase the arts of the Hmong and its culture. When I heard of this opportunity I hoped on the dancing train with full commitment. After a few performances, everyone went their separate ways and I moved school. From there on I went on to explore different art mediums.

In 201l, in one of my after-school programs I had the opportunity to joined our worship team as a vocalist. There, I explore the musical sounds and it’s connection with the universe. Unfortunately, during this time, my mental health took a toll on me and I lost my voice.

Over a course of many years, my mental health issue built up and I strayed away from everything I once had a passion in. This, lead me to connect with nature.

In 2014 I started my photography journey as a way to capture physical evidence of happy times. Something I can look back at for enjoyment and peace.

Through photography I discover ways of communicating with the world. In 2016 I took a leap of faith and shared my work with a small group of audience as everest_mk. In 2021, after I started my reflection journey, I took this passion a step further and founded Only We Know Photography by Mai Ka Yang (MK). On October 2023, I decided to merge my work of photography with coaching and healing.

In 2019 I had the opportunity to travel overseas. There, I reconnected with myself and started my reflection journey. Also, there, I had a life changing moment and it inspired me to act on my dreams. One of them being the work of Lenses & Perspectives.

On June of 2020, I founded Lenses & Perspectives. Lenses & Perspectives went from being a humble and sacred space of mine to a now in the making home and upcoming organization for orphans and those in need of a safe home to go to.

For more about Lenses & Perspectives, it’s upcoming work, and my reflection journey check us out here.

From losing my voice to losing myself and from finding my voice to finding myself, on July of 2021 I discovered my shamanic calling. As I continued the Reflection Journey chapter to my Self Healing journey of 3 years, on December 14, 2022, I became a certified Life Coach on a mission to assist others on their self healing journey.

Fun fact: Life coaching has been something I had done over the years before I knew what a life coach actually does.

In 2023 I officially added sound healing and reiki healing onto my resume with the goal to assist others in restoring the vibrational frequencies of their energy. Theses healing modalities sets as a reminder that there is always more than one way to do things.

Expanding my work forward, I now integrate everything I know and everything I am learning to better contribute to the healing journey and life of others and extending to the amazing contribution Lenses & Perspectives will be offering to the communities around us, once it launch.

For more information on spiritual services and to follow me on my journey click here.

Follow me on Social Media or sign up for my Newsletter for more of my work updates and upcoming projects.