Donate Today!

Pay forth the love and kindness of this world by making a difference one action at a time, one cause at a time, with Mai Ka.

Donations are contributed towards:

  • Spiritual Readings

  • The visions and missions of Lenses & Perspectives, a Nonprofit Organization in the making.

    • general operation

    • shelter, mentorship, and educations for orphans and those without a safe home to return to.

    • shelter, mentorship, job assistance, and pet daycare for homeless and their pet(s)

    • teacher’s classroom preparation scholarship

    • college student scholarship

    • young entrepreneur scholarship


“The time to be the change and to ripple forth the change you want to see starts now. Unsure how to start? Let’s plant the seed of unconditional love and kindness together, today. Harmony, healing and changes will follow.”

- Mai Ka Yang