“Like a plant that’s meant to grow in the wilderness, one can’t be tamed if they’re meant to soar.” - MK


My name is Mai Ka (MK) Yang. I am a mom of two to two beautiful and wonderful huskies.

Professionally, I am an artist and an entrepreneur. As a photographer, Spiritual Healer (Sage/Shaman), Master Life Coach and a Trauma-Informed Coach, Sound Healer, and Reiki Master my transformative work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing, especially in self healing. I also have a non-profit that is currently in the development stage where I have hope to help empower, educate, and assist orphans and those who doesn’t have a safe home to return to, in on their healing journey.

I love connecting with animals and people through storytelling whether that is sharing my own, capturing a client’s moment down in history, walking along a client during their self healing journey, or sharing with everyone what this world has to offer.

I live by the saying of, “Pay it forward,” where I practice the art of paying forth the love and kindness this world has to offer because I truly believe in the changes we can make through that ripple effect despite our differences. I believe that through our differences we all can learn, grow, and be the changes we want to see in this world.

Thank you for stopping by today. I look forward to possibly connecting withy you soon.

To learn more about my journey click here.

To learn more about my work click here.