Scroll down for more information and to book a reading or minor healing appointment.

Spiritual Services Update:

Starting November 1st, 2023 I will no longer be offering the following spiritual services.

Changes to Spiritual Services:

1. I will No longer offer the following healing ritual services often requested after a reading:

- ua neeb (trance/ceremonial healing ritual)

- hu plig (soul retrieval ritual)

- spiritual cleansing

2. Spiritual reading services are still available for all topics but will now be 15 minutes long and focused on your 1 question, concern, or situation.

3. You will have the option to choose our communication methods for your spiritual reading.

- Google Meet

- Email

4. You will have the option to choose how I will read for you.

- Conversation

- Card reading

5. All energy healing will now be performed under the guidelines and practice of Reiki energy healing. For more information on this visit

From the bottom of my heart thank you all for your support this year. My team and I appreciate each of you for your time and trust.

Before I go, I do want to share some of the thought processes that supported the decision to the changes above.

1. I don't have the consistent support necessary to assist me in my healing rituals.

2. Healing requires time and commitment from you, the individual.

3. As much as I appreciate your curiosity and would love to continue to provide you with all the clarity and guidance you're seeking for during your session(s) I would rather not exhaust you with information, make you lose track of time and forget to care for yourself. This can result in making you feel even more confused and lost. Therefore, it's better to focus on one thing at a time.

4. As much as I appreciate your trust in my team and I in helping restore your spiritual balances, it's more beneficial for you to practice committing to self healing and keeping your promises to yourself and your loved ones.

5. Healing goes beyond spiritual balances and the healer doing their part. If there are no commitments from you and your loved ones to healing yourself and each other by restoring the balances within your environment, body and mind, and respecting each other's restrictions and boundaries, illnesses will reoccur. This can lead to greater chronic imbalances holistically resulting in even more experience of broken promises, gravely concerned illnesses, and continuation of collective trauma, and intergenerational trauma or generational curses.

With the changes in place, I asked for your understanding and cooperation. My team and I look forward to being able to continue to provide you and your loved ones with more clarity and guidance in 2024.

Empathetically yours,

Mai Ka Yang (MK)


Please READ carefully before booking an appointment with me:


  • If you disrespect my guides, I will NOT read for you. Please understand that when you choose to test my ability, take advantage of my services or disrespect my guides, I am left in a black hole and I cannot help you for you have revealed the kind of person you are to my guides.

  • All readings are private! I do not do live readings. If you want a reading done, you will have to contact me.

  • I READ only for you, your direct spouse, children, or fur babies. If you are messaging me asking me to help your sister, brother or friend, I will decline. I do not read into what is not given permission.

  • Readings should not replace professional advice. I, Mai Ka (MK) Yang, is not responsible for your choices or decisions. These readings are for entertainment and educational purposes only. I make no claims for your actions, nor do I cite scientific evidence. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind, if the reading(s) resonate.

  • My purpose is simply to provide a safe space for my client to experience healing through natural processes.

  • You agree to make your own choices as to what you do with the educational material you have been offered and are solely responsible for your own decisions and actions. It is always my recommendation to seek out the advice of a licensed healthcare professional whenever you feel it is necessary in regards to their own personal health, especially with serious conditions.

Minor Healing Session

  • If you disrespect my guides, I will REJECT service to you. Please understand that when you choose to test my ability, take advantage of my services or disrespect my guides, I am left in a black hole and I cannot help you for you have revealed the kind of person you are to my guides.

  • I also offer MINOR healing rituals that don’t necessarily require getting a prior reading done.

  • Minor Healing Rituals’ sessions vary. Energy Healing & Meditation can be done in-person or virtually.

  • The United States of America currently has no licensing policy in regard to shamanic healing, and I, Mai Ka (MK) Yang, is not a licensed Medical Doctor or therapist. I do not deal with drugs.

  • My purpose is simply to provide a safe space for my client to experience healing through natural processes.

  • I make no claims for your actions, nor do I cite scientific evidence. Any information offered is done so on the basis of personal experience and traditional uses.

  • You agree to make your own choices as to what you do with the educational material you have been offered and are solely responsible for your own decisions and actions. It is always my recommendation to seek out the advice of a licensed healthcare professional whenever you feel it is necessary in regards to their own personal health, especially with serious conditions.


  • Donations are accepted after each reading, meditation, and house cleansing session.


Mai Ka Yang fully protects the privacy and confidentiality of the communications with its Clients. At no time will Mai Ka Yang voluntarily divulge the professional relationship between themselves and their Clients without written permission from the Clients, unless required to do so by law.


My Commitment

  • I will honor the time that we are together and hold your confidence.

  • I will not judge you and will respect your perceptions of the world.

  • It is not my job to change you. It is my privilege to bring into awareness, clarity of choices, and if you choose, action to your life.

  • This is my personal commitment to you to be impeccable with my word and keep my commitments to you.

  • I will present an open heart.

  • I will always be honest with you.

Client’s (Your) Commitment

  • No denial. I accept my struggles and accept the fact that I need help.

  • I will not judge Mai Ka Yang and will respect her team.

  • I will commit to all my session(s) with Mai Ka Yang.

  • I will present an open heart.

  • I will present a positive focus.

  • I will present an open mind.


I ask that you give 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or change the time of appointment. I will make every effort as well, to reschedule sessions which are canceled in a timely manner. Cancellation (less than 24 hours before) and/or no‐show appointments are billed to the client for the full amount.

Limitation of Liability


I READ only:

***All readings are currently done virtually.

  • Soul Detachment (tsuj plig, saib kab mob kev nkheeg, ceeb ntshai)

  • Entity Attachment (puas muaj tsuj lau koj li plig)

  • Guide Seeking (puas muaj qhuas neeb).

  • Past life

  • Relationships

  • Dream Interpretation

I Communicate with:

  • Spiritual Guides

  • Angels

  • Past Love Ones

  • Animals

  • Spirits

MINOR spiritual healing services I offered (no prior reading needed):

Donation Based:

  • Meditation session (15 min)

    • Donation based

    • Virtual

  • House cleansing (basic)

    • Donation based

    • In-Person

    *** For Reiki/Energy Healing click here.