Please read the information below carefully before submitting your request.

Submission requests are necessary since the SINGLE USE discount codes are uniquely generated for you and your friend(s). Once all forms are completed and received, referral ticket(s) will be emailed to you and your friend(s).

Type of Discounts available:

Discounts are as follows:

• Sound Healing = $20 off

• Reiki Healing = $20 off

• Spiritual Reading = $20 off

• Life coaching services = 20% off

Length of Discount:

  • Discount are ONE TIME ONLY

  • UNUSED = EXPIRED after 1 year

Requirements to submit referral form:

1. Must have previously worked with MK at least twice

2. Your friend(s) must have NEVER worked with MK before.

To receive discount:

1. Meet the above requirements 

2. Submit this "Referral Request" form

3. Friend submit the "Referral Accept Form"

Thank you for trusting us and using our referral program. We look forward to making a difference in the lives of you and your love ones.

To submit your referral request click the button below.