“Without you, I would have been lost. Thank you for guiding me and inspiring me to be who I am today.

Thank you for being my light every step of the way.” — Mai Ka Yang

Inspiration List:

    • Fur babies

    • Grandparents

    • Parents

    • Siblings

    • Aunts

    • Uncles

    • Cousins

    • Distance Relatives

    • Peers

    • Teachers

    • Host Family

    • Friends

  • Chinese professor for all 4 years of college

  • Very first supervisor

    • Friends met along the way

    • Future peers and friends

    • Children of God (All)

Inspiration Board

  • Ms. Michelle Forsyth

  • Y.E.S & LIGHTHOUSE Family

  • Upward Bound Family

  • Station 51

  • Catherine Carter

  • Du Family

  • Chen Family

  • A Gong, A Ma

  • Aunty Lu

  • Aunty Hou

  • Doris Wu

  • Me (MK)