Cycle Breaker

Have you heard of the term “Cycle Breaker”?

What is a cycle breaker?

A “cycle-breaker" is a person who sees unhealthy multi-generational family patterns in their family and sets out the intention to change those patterns.

A “cycle breaker” acknowledges the role of context, culture, history, trauma, and resilience in families.

The journey of a “cycle breaker” starts with committing to healing themselves, healing their inner wounds, whether that is through therapy or other forms of healing. Once a “cycle breaker” heals themselves then they look into ways to break and change those unhealthy patterns they see in their families.

The cycle breaker often runs into conflict with their family. Families with a cycle breaker often believe that everything was fine until this one person decided to point out areas for growth. They will feel uncomfortable as they watch the cycle breaker overcome the generational cycles that continue to plague them. They may think the cycle breaker has betrayed the family by refusing to partake in the same habits, beliefs, or behaviors. Despite this tension, the cycle breaker is committed to improving themselves and their future.

Setting yourself to go on your own self healing journey doesn’t always mean you have to be a cycle breaker or are one. Sometimes our inner wounds can also be caused by external things, nonfamily related. Therefore, committing to your own self healing journey simply just means you have accepted and surrendered to your own issues and you know things can be better for your life and for your future.

Healing isn’t always easy. It can be extremely difficult and lonely therefore always always make sure you seek out to get the help you need.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

Self Love


Self Healing