What is Trauma?

Image Credit: Unsplash; Susan Wilkinson (@susan_wilkinson)

When you hear the word, “Trauma,” what comes to your mind?

Do you think of your personal traumatic experiences?

A disorder?

Or, do you try to define it?

Trauma is not your experiences or what happened to you. It is how your body, mind, and spirit responds to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

Trauma is not a disorder or a permanent illness and disease. In fact, individuals who experienced trauma can heal from it once they put in the time and commitment to work on themselves and they seek out the right type of healing guidance and practices.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang (everestmk.com). She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.


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