True Love Remains

True Love Remains.

Featuring my babies.

One of the most beautiful things I get to experience as a healer and an empath is I get to feel the emotions of others in a depth that is usually meant to be felt and understood by the individual alone. The experience overall is always so bittersweet because in it lies such a deep level of complex yet simple emotions.

Over the weekend during a family event a loved one came through to let his family know how much he loves them. In the middle of giving the message the spirit's emotions deepens as its tears get heavier and it cries through me. I stuttered but pushed myself to finish giving the message.

From the beginning to the end, I was in awe of such love. It's rare. It's one of a kind that gives you hope. It's one that makes you want to fall in love over and over again even if it's with the same person. It's one of those worthy and everlasting ones.

It's beautiful how such love is able to stand through the test of time and space and remain unchanged. Yet, it's nostalgic and bittersweet how such things can only be felt through memories but never to be experienced again in this timeline.

I'm sure the family cherishes each other during their time together. I felt it and I can understand the depth of grief they'd experienced. With such a powerful love it's understandable how it remained unchanged and that a single lifetime alone isn't enough.

Witnessing the event brought my thoughts back to many of my past lives. It was sentimental.

Thinking, I realized how blessed I am to have met a lot of my loved ones again in this lifetime, to have remembered our connection, and then to be there for others as they grief their loved ones. As an individual my love lessons are:

1. Learning to cherish the people I cross paths with, even if it's for a short moment. The present is worth treasuring for we'll never know all that could be possible today. We'll never know what's going to happen tomorrow.

2. True love is patient. True love is kind. True love is worth waiting for but in the meantime I must work on myself so I know how it feels and what it is I'm worthy of.

3. True love remains. As it evolves it'll deepen and become stronger.

As a healer, the experience is to help understand where others are coming from and to help spread wisdom. In times of separation I experienced and witnessed a lot of regrets and guilt. From all of it, I learned:

Don't live in regrets. Don't make a wish list. Live your life now. Treasure all that's gone and treasure what you have now. Be open to cherish and accept all that is yet to come. Don't let today's troubles, regrets and what if consumes life out of you. It'll only make you lifeless.

At the end of your time don't wish you didn't do this or that instead allow the memories to rest you in peace. As you awaken and are on your way to cross over, appreciate the experience for all it is for you had done all you can. Treasure your experience and allow the wisdom of this lifetime to inspire betterness for yourself in your next experience.

Don't be afraid to leave others behind. Don't be afraid to start over. Don't be afraid of not being loved. Trust your connections because true love remains. No matter where you are, it'll find you.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

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