Religion vs. Spirituality
What is religion and spirituality to you?
When I was little, before knowing what religion and spirituality is, for a long time, I simply believed all religions shared the same root and beginning and that humanity was the reason religion had bridged into so many branches on its own in terms of its different spiritual practices.
My journey is a messy one. I grew up in a shamanism home, was introduced to Buddhism at a young age, and had been a follower of Christ for a very long time before I became a spiritual healer and reconnected with my shamanic roots.
Previously, I didn't quite understand the reason for my journey but after having some conversations with people I trust, here's my understanding now.
For one to truly accept another religion we have to be selfless. We have to let go of our ego and let go of what we know. We have to accept the new knowledge with a clear and nonjudgmental mind. After we do that, when we reflect on all that we learned the puzzle starts falling into places. We now see its relations from a bigger standpoint. All religions are connected despite our different spiritual practices.
So, what is religion? According to Oxford Languages religion means "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods."
And, yes in many shapes or forms it is that.
Now, what is spiritually? According to Oxford Languages spirituality means, "the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things."
And, again yes, in many shapes or forms it is also exactly that.
Although the definition clearly draws a line between the two, religion and spirituality by the vast majority often are still viewed as the same thing. Regardless of how, the two should never be compared or confused with one another. In fact, despite the different religions there are out there, everyone has a spiritual side to them. Each of us has our own spiritual journey and in each religion, we practice spirituality according to its practices.
As an individual and a spiritual healer where do I stand?
For me, religion is one's belief and spirituality in simplicity is one's way of life.
From people's perspective, my religion is shamanism and I don't deny it because that's my lineage of practice but if you were to ask me directly for my opinion, I am me.
As an individual and a spiritual healer, the way I practice is according to what is aligned with who I am and to what my spiritual guides teach, not what my religion teaches and not what anyone expects of me. This does not mean I have to give up my religion. My belief is still the same.
In spite of that, this doesn't apply for everyone. I have seen people who are gifted and they had to stop following a certain religion and, yes, that can happen. I've also seen many people who are gifted, who decided to have a change of religion because they don't want to accept their gift. I've heard that this sometimes helps. However, I've also met a lot of people who accepted their gift and are still able to continue doing what they do, for one still being able to follow their religion of choice.
I can't explain why it doesn't work for other people but I can explain why it works for me, based on my experiences. I believe that when you're spiritually gifted religions are set aside, most times it almost doesn't matter. Similar to doctors who aren't allowed to choose who they save based on race, religion, and ethnicity, as healers, we also are not allowed to choose. We open our doors to help whoever comes our way because our intentions as healer is to help. Our practices may be different because of our lineage but we share the same purpose and results, which is healing.
I also believe this works for me because the way I practice spirituality is aligned with who I am and my true intentions.
Thinking back I realized I started my spiritual journey when I was little, before I knew what spirituality and religion was. Even way before I knew I was gifted. I had always been guided towards the different spiritual portals of what people called religions. To learn of its practice and its purpose. To understand its value and its connection. There, I tapped into awareness, into my inner wisdom and fed my soul with the knowledge it craved and applied it the best way I knew was applicable at that age. As I grew older due to resistance and changes I lost it all. I lost balance and I lost myself. When I started my spiritual journey after having been truly awakened I had to reconnect with myself and realigned myself with what matters to me.
Through my spiritual journey here's what I learned about religion and spirituality:
1. Religion doesn't matter as much as our spiritual practices. Even if the God we believe in is good, if we don't practice goodness and understand and follow the teaching of our God, our religion isn't going to get us anywhere. It's not going to do us any good.
2. Someone once said to me, "You don't have to go to church to take care of your spiritual self. You can feed your spiritual self from home," and that stuck with me. This reminded me that it doesn't matter how much we know, if we are not in alignment with ourselves and we don't seek within for our inner wisdom then we'll always keep searching for a place and a community to belong. It's not so much about knowing, it's about applications.
3. When we're lost and are in search of answers we must look from within. We can search the whole world for answers and for knowledge but if we forget who we are and how the knowledge we learn can be applied in our life. We'll forever be lost. The knowledge will simply be useless information. We won't know what to do with it. Our journey will take us around in circles until we set an intention and make a decision.
4. Though conversation regarding religion differs, conversation relating to spiritually is the same. The difference lies in what we do in our practices. It lies in our alignment with our spiritual team and ourselves. When we talk about our spiritual practices we are sharing knowledge of growth.
5. Lastly, for you. If you are not spiritually gifted as a healer that doesn't mean you don't have to go on a spiritual journey. You do. Your journey starts with getting into alignment with yourself.
As an individual, no matter how much I learn over the years, nonetheless, the thing that hasn't changed is my belief. Back then I believed every religion shared a core beginning and to this day I still do.
The core beginning I speak of is love and kindness. This is my ground. This is my belief. This is what my spiritual principles revolved around. This is my foundation. My practices may be different from yours because the meaning of my belief is different from yours.
And no, I don't practice it to check it off my list. I practice it because I believe in its existence and its power. It's a part of me.
My way of life is to share love and kindness and pay forth the love and the kindness I'd received. This also doesn't make me any more special or important. We are all created equally, no one is higher than the other.
What is religion and spirituality to you?