Be Open To Love

" open to love... Love is a wonderful thing that no one wants to lack in their life…"

— Remember, MK Spiritual Team

" open to love... Love is a wonderful thing that no one wants to lack in their life…"

This message came through at the last minute right before I went to bed. As much as it was a reminder and a continued conclusion to a previous conversation I had, it really got me reflecting.

What does it mean to be loved?

How is it so important that we continuously seek it?

Where is it?

How can we be open to it if it's not given to us?

For those of you who know me knows that one of my biggest fears is getting into a toxic relationship. That's one of the many reasons why I've always been by myself.

I've always been one to be extremely cautious once I realized that someone is wanting to cross over that line to be something more.

Though I've overcome parts of it I'm still working on overcoming the entire fear.

Some of us are blessed. To know what love and warmth feels our entire life. Some of us are blessed with tough love. We had to navigate around life to understand what it means to be loved. We looked in the wrong places. Got hurt. Had to unlearn certain things only to find out that love starts from within.

I was blessed enough to have met so many wonderful people who showed me what it feels like to be loved. But, because we're programmed for more, when I chose to save myself 3 years ago, I had to open up for self love, which was something I had a hard time doing because I didn't know what that was. I didn't know self compassion was a thing. The only word I knew was selfish. Through the work within the last 3 full years I am now more happy with my current situation.

Halfway through the 4th year of my reflective self healing journey, I find it amazing how the universe puts us into alignment only to disturb it once we're comfortable. In September of last year I was told something and I panicked.

Before we love others we first must know what love is. Before we love others we first must love ourselves. Instead of looking for the right person we first must become the right person. Everything that's meant to be will follow.

I said this all time, "No one wants to be alone their entire life," but when it came to me I was willing to put myself through it knowing deep down fate isn't something we can run from.

The stars are aligning and what's meant to be will be.

Be open to love. It's not selfish. It's love. Love is love.

It's so simple.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.



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