
“When someone's leaves they don't have to physically be gone to show you enough is enough.”

— Mai Ka Yang

If you're going to love, respect and be kind to someone, do it while they're still alive, in your presence, and are still good to you. Don't wait until they're gone to start.

When they start reflecting your level of coldness back to you, that's already too late.

When your fear kicks in and you're finally afraid to lose them, that's already too late.

When guilt and regrets are all you have when the thought of them crosses your mind and there's nothing you can do to change that. That is already too late.

When you're unable to steady your heart and stop your tears from flowing because of them, that's already too late.

If you're going to embrace the differences in someone, do it now, not later. Not when they finally give in to you.

As living beings no one wants to be alone their entire life. We all craved to be accepted, loved, and respected.

If you can't love someone, how can one know what love is?

If you can't respect someone, how can one know what respect is?

If you can't be kind to someone, how can one know what kindness is?

More so than often our differences are looked upon big time and it often is the foundation of judgment. But dear soul, did you forget we all bleed the same.

Don't let your differences sour your relationships. Let it be the reason it brings you closer to one another and grow.

At the end of the day, yes, you're very different in a lot of ways but you're not that different from one another. Spiritually you're souls and energies. Physically, you're flesh and blood.

Dear soul, love, respect and be kind to one another today. You may be uniquely made but still you bleed the same.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

Building Relationship

