Old Soul
With its eyes wide open it sees beyond what's shown. With its heart open it loves and feels beyond what's real. With its ears open it hears beyond silence. With its faith it walks to where the wind may lead.
It assists those who seek its guidance. It sprinkles drops of wisdom where growth is.
Its every move is that of a child dancing in the rain and playing in the mud. It's careless because victory is it. Through many lifetimes, it's experienced more than what history holds. It's fought more battles than what history has told. Yet, it never stops learning. It never stops living.
Here it is again, like an open book.
From the corners of existence to the darkest corners of its mind it creates and writes its own story to be told. No, it's not rebellious. It knows no boundaries, for they don't exist.
Here it is again.
Letting history be told through the voice of a child. Letting history be created through the hands of a child. Letting the future be seen through the eyes of a child. Where love leads it follows. Where pain is, it learns.
Not all reincarnated souls are filled with wisdom. Lifetimes and experiences create personality. Wisdom lies within those who learned its lesson and is open to learn as if it knows nothing.
- Mai Ka Yang
Remember, MK
Spiritual Healer