Dear Soul 2024. #1

Dear soul.

Are you tired?

I know you are.

I can feel it.

I can see it deep in your eyes.

I hear it.

I just wanted to let you know that it's ok to let go.

To let go of people and situations not serving your highest good.

It is ok to be disappointed and to let others be disappointed.

Sometimes it's not that we don't realize what we have until it's gone. We do realize it but we take it for granted because we think they would never leave.

So if you've been holding on afraid you'll make a mistake by letting go. In case you make a mistake by walking away. Know that it's ok to let go and walk away.

Separation is good.

Sometimes it's best for people to not grow together but to grow apart and be apart until they're ready to be together again.

If at the end there's no reunion, that's ok. This just goes to show that you both grew to be very different people with different goals and values in life and it just took separation to help you realize that.

If at the end you both reunited, that's great. It means you both have made the choice to be in each other's life regardless of whatever situations come your way. You both will still choose each other. It just took some time apart to help you realize how important you are to each other that made you want to choose and accept each other continuously.

And dear soul, being able to walk away and figure things out on your own, to learn to be in solitude is what will open the door of opportunities and bring in those in alignment with you. Before they can arrive you need to make space for them by letting go of those that had long been in misalignment with you.

It is time, dear soul. I know it's hard. I heard those silent cries of yours. I felt those heavy headaches of yours. I stayed up with you during those long sleepless nights. I know you're scared. I know you're anxious. I know you're uncertain of the unknown but everything will be ok. You will be ok. You have got to start to get somewhere. This time it's just different because you're choosing yourself.

It may seem easier to stay. It may seem easier to let others step over you continuously, especially when you're at a time in your life where it feels like you have nothing and are at your lowest. But this is the best time to start over because you have nothing to lose except yourself. Instead of staying down, pick yourself up and move. This is your chance to protect yourself and prove to yourself how capable you are regardless of what the world has to say. You don't need to show the world your potential but you do have to prove it to yourself. You have yourself to fight for. You must trust yourself. Take this as a test from the universe. You have yourself to fight for. You must trust yourself. Take this as a test from the universe. Testing you on what you’ll do. Are you going to keep lowering yourself trying to get the world’s attention, or, are you going to stay grounded in who you are and fight for yourself because you are the world.

Dear soul. Your worth is not based on what you can offer. Your worth is consistent and it is incalculable from the very moment of your existence. You just need to go where you're appreciated.


Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.