True Wisdom

"The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing."

— Socrates

If you think you know your pain, think again.

Learning is about letting go of our ego and of what we know. It's about growing our knowledge and understanding the wide perspectives of different approaches. Learning is eternal. It is something we all do continuously whether we're dead or alive.

In relation to the healing journey, we think we know someone by what and how they impacted us but in reality we don't know. We don't know what's behind their pain and what caused them to act a certain way. As for our pain, we think we understand the core scope of our struggles but in reality we don't. This can be influenced by the way we practice, 'faking it until one makes it'.

In life it is important to draw boundaries. If you're faking it, ensure you have a boundary for that phase. There comes a point in time where we must wake up. We have to face reality and accept the hard truth. This will mark the progress of our journey.

No one is meant to remain stuck where they are. There's always a way out and this depends on our willingness to challenge ourselves in seeking a way out. This can be as simple as asking for help.

If you remain stuck, ask yourself:

What is stopping me from getting unstuck?

Why am I allowing myself to be treated in such ways?

Why am I allowing myself to continue to feel such emotions?

What is causing me to feel this way?

Approach your situation as if you don't know anything about it. Listen to it and understand it from a nonjudgmental mind and accept it for what it is.

Our pains and struggles sometimes may not even be ours. It may have been trauma and baggage passed on to us from others. If this is the case, why are you carrying on pains that aren't yours? Learn to let go of what isn't yours today.

If the trauma and baggage is yours, embrace it. Allow it to speak to you and listen to what it has to say. Learn from it and make peace with it. Then let it go.

Release it. You're no longer there. That phase in your life is in the past. It doesn't have any power over you and it doesn't define who you are.

If you really don't know what's wrong, that's ok. You don't need to have it figured out. A little acknowledgement is all that it takes.

It takes a courageous person to acknowledge and surrender to not knowing and it takes an even braver person to seek help because they at least acknowledge that cry for healing.

Healing is a must for maintaining a balanced well-being and lifestyle. In all seriousness please reach out for help even if at the very least you think you may need help. It may not simply be your mind speaking but your inner self is crying out for help.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

Living Without Failure


What Healing Is