Rewrite Your Story

The Power in Rewriting Stories.

The personal power we hold.

Rewrite your story.

We can't turn back time but we can start with where we are and create something powerful out of it.

Everyone of us who's walking on a healing journey starts somewhere. There's a trauma or experience in our life that triggers that call to healing.

Reflect on what your experiences had taught you.

Think about what you've learned. What skills have you gained from it? What would you do differently?

From where you are standing today, what skills and experiences can assist you in getting to where you want to go.

The past is the past. Damage that has been done has already been done. No one can undo it. You can't undo it.

What you can do is acknowledge it, accept it, and learn from it. Never to repeat it again.

Your past is your power story. It is your truth. Others can disagree with it and use it against you but remember they did not walk in your shoe and they never will. Their judgment is simply just opinions.

Keep your head high. Be authentically, you.

Allow your truth to be spoken. Allow it to mold you into a better version of yourself and into the change you want to see in this world.

Rewrite your story TODAY. You hold the power to do so.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.



Gloomy Days