Divine Energy

When you hear "divine feminine" what comes to your mind?

When you hear "divine masculine" what comes to your mind?

What are their traits?

How are the two different?

How would you spot a healthy divine energy compared to wounded divine energy?

Each of us have a divine feminine and a divine masculine energy in us. We all embrace them differently for each of them have their wounds. When we're on our self healing journey we awaken those energy and dive deep to heal those wounds. This creates a balance between the two energy which allows them to unite as one. Once they're united as one they then become healthy energies which allows us to truthful heal inside out.

Though there's no done moment for one to fully heal as we can always fall out of balance. Each time we healed an inner wound, we are one step closer to being a better version of the person we were before.

On my self healing journey I spent a large time healing my divine feminine energy. I had to learn to appreciate the beauty within her and to embraced all her wounds.

One of the greatest thing I did to heal my divine feminine was unlearning everything I was taught about the divine feminine. I had to listen to my inner voice, listen to what being a divine feminine means to me. I had to let the divine feminine inside lose, not control her.

I had to seek within my child wounds and allow my inner child to grow in order for her to discover the divine feminine it was meant to become from within.

I had to balance out the way I embrace each of my masculine and feminine energy. I had to listen to both energy, not ignore one and leave the other out. Not embrace one and forget about the other.

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang (everestmk.com). She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.


Inner Child Wound