The Law of Attraction

The idea of the law of attraction is we create our own reality. What we focus on is what we will draw into our life. What we believe will happen in our life is what does happen. The law of attraction may not be an immediate solution for all of life's challenges but it can help us learn to cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life. It can also help motivate us to continue working toward our goals.

The laws of attraction teaches us about how the energy of our thoughts manifest our experiences using the following principles.

  • We are what we attract: Similar things are attracted to one another. This means that people tend to attract people who are similar to them. It also suggests that people's thoughts tend to attract similar results. Negative thinking is to attract negative experiences, while positive thinking is to produce desirable experiences.

  • Removing negative things from our life can make space for more positive things to take that place.

  • The past, present and future is NOW: There are always things we can do to improve the current moment. Rather than feeling dread or unhappiness, we should focus our energy on finding ways to make the current moment the best that it can be.

To incorporate the law of attraction into your own life you can try the following practices:

  • Gratitude

  • Visualizing your goals

  • Looking for the positives in a situation

  • Learning how to identify negative thinking

  • Using positive affirmations

Mai Ka Yang

Mai Ka (MK) Yang is the founder of Mai Ka Yang ( She is an artist and entrepreneur: Spiritual Healer, Photographer, certified Master Life Coach, certified Sound Healer, and certified Reiki Master. Through the transformative work of photography, spiritual healing, life coaching, sound healing and reiki healing her work focuses on promoting and practicing the art of healing holistically, especially in self healing.

Attachment Styles


Types of Trauma